After The Masters

 Art & Yoga Studio


News & Events


Pose of the Month

Links & Resources



Oil painting
Cynthia Limeberry



News & Events

The schedule for November is now online. Thanks for your patience and continued support.


The latest winner of our monthly $50.00 drawing is…

Sarah S.

Article- Pause, Breathe, See

Its that time of year again. As the air outside cools we head for the warmth and comfort indoors… whoa, not so fast.  There is still time to enjoy the beauty and grandeur of our amazing mountains. The changes accompanying Fall remind us how beautiful and encouraging change can be. The crisp cool air (especially for those of us who struggle with asthma or other breathing ailments) makes breathing easier and the leaves paint a backdrop full of wonder. 

So before you close up the windows and settle in for the winter, take a few moments to pause, breathe and see the world surrounding you. Take each day one at a time and take advantage of each and every opportunity to spend time in the great outdoors.

We are so fortunate to live in an area full of outdoor activities from hiking and biking through the mountains enjoying the fall color to walking and shopping downtown enjoying the local color.  How about getting up close and personal to the leaves zipping through the trees or laying low soaking in an outdoor hot tub? Whatever your inclinations remember to enjoy each and every moment (each and every breath) and embrace the changes that expand our horizons and entice our senses. 


Pose of the Month

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog- This beginners pose is one of the most beneficial.  It energizes the body and relieves stress, headaches, back pain, insomnia and depression. It stretches the shoulders, hands, hamstrings, and calves and strengthens the arms and legs. Other benefits include preventing osteoporosis and improving digestion. Therapeutic for high blood pressure, asthma, sciatica and sinusitis.

Begin this pose on all fours with a neutral spine (tailbone tucked, reach with crown of head, soften the heart) the wrists are underneath the shoulders and knees are underneath the hips. Tuck the toes under lift the hips into the air with the knees still bent. Reach the tailbone into the air and then slowly straighten legs reaching heals toward the earth and backs of knees reach away from body. Try to maintain the neutral spine as the shoulders soften down the back and heart softens toward thighs. Four corners of the palms (the base of the index finger and little finger and either side of bottom palm at wrist) firmly presses down into the earth. For variations and modifications check out our pose directory at


Links and Resources


Yoga Journal