After The Masters

 Art & Yoga Studio


News & Events


Pose of the Month

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Oil painting
Cynthia Limeberry



News & Events

The schedule for August is now online. Thanks for your continued support.


Article- Prana, Breath 

 Rarely in class do I discuss the chakras or moving energy through them, however we effectively do this in each and every class.  With every breath we move the energy. The breath is the energy, the force that moves prana through the many Chakras or energy centers found within the body.

 The word Prana originates from Sanskrit and means vital energy or life-force, depending on the translation. Every thing around us including the earth, sun, moon, trees, plants, animals, air all contain internal energies or Prana.

There are four major sources of Prana- solar prana from the suns energy, ground prana from the earth’s energy, and water prana from the energy absorbed from the elements in and around the water, and air prana from the atmosphere. For now, since our focus is on the breath, we will only be concerned with air prana absorbed into the body through breathing.  

 You have undoubtedly heard me refer to breath as the link between the mind and body, but when I say breath it goes beyond just the air taken in or the physical action. It’s the prana that really is the link- the breath is the conduit prana rides on.

 Prana activates the body- allowing movement and vital bodily functions, such as digesting food, eliminating waste, and respiration; and activates the mind- allowing us think and register our senses, such as taste, smell, feel, sight and hearing. 

 Once absorbed this energy begins to spread around.  “Watching through the minds eye, feeling the breath as it rises and falls…” sound familiar?  We focus on the breath from the minute class begins until the end- each and every class we absorb and manipulate prana.

 Prana is essential for life. Free flowing prana is essential for overall good health and vitality. Each Chakra represents a different area along the spine from the genitals up through the crown of the head. When the prana is not flowing evenly and fully through each one of these chakras it affects different aspects of our body manifesting itself through illness, pain, etc. and it also affects different aspects of our minds manifesting itself through habits, fears etc.

 Through asana and pranayama we develop, refine and enhance our breath to promote, control and direct the flow of prana. It’s all about the “breath”.


 Pose of the Month

Siddhasana One or Easy Cross leg– This pose strengthens and tones the pubic region, the abdominal muscles, and lower back. Aids in development of flexibility and strength of the knees and ankles. Circulation of oxygen and blood is increased into the lower spine and abdominals. Therapeutic for stress relief.

 From a seated position with the legs extended to the front, bring left foot up and place heel near the perineum and rest the sole of the left foot against the right thigh. Bring the right foot up place over top of left leg and rest heel against the pubic bone with the sole of the right foot between the thigh and calf of the left leg (almost as if tucking the foot between them). Sit up tall with the heart lifted and relaxed shoulders. Keep the weight back over the hips not on the legs. Hold this position as long as you can and then release the feet and repeat bringing right foot in first. 

Variations will be added to the pose directory on our website at

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